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I had some wonderful hypnotherapy from orla for anxiety. It has really helped and having seen a few hypnotherapist in the past she is definitely one if the best.
I contacted Orla on the 1st Jan 24 - new year, new me! I was at a very low point in my life and I’m so glad that I found Orla when I did. I’d tried for a number of years to lose weight, different slimming groups and half hearted attempts at going to the gym, none of which motivated me enough for the change I wanted or needed.How that has changed. I initially signed up for the 8 week coaching and nutrition programme. Orla has encouraged me to take care of myself, to eat healthy and exercise more, using weights and not just cardio exercises. With Orla’s knowledge, motivation, positivity and dedication she has helped me to lose 3 stone in four months. I track my food, steps and protein which helps immensely. I now go to the gym regularly and swim every week and have even signed up for the 21 mile swim challenge (not all at once!). I would never be so confident without Orla’s help or inspiration.She is an amazing person and I love our PT and coaching sessions. I thoroughly recommend anyone to give this a go.
Orla is one of the most positive , kind and energetic women I have ever had the pleasure to meet .After going through a traumatising breakup I was feeling very low and needed boosting both mentally and physically . With Orla’s combination of compassionate life coaching ,hypnotherapy and bespoke physical training and nutrition programme I am feeling once again in a happy place with more energy and zest for life than I’ve had for years, and will be continuing to improve on my fitness goals in the long term . Thanks Orla , you’re a Wonder Woman ! X
Working with Orla on the 8 week programme has been a great experience. Years of yo-yo dieting, trying most diets out there had left my relationship with food and exercise in a bad way. Orla has given me the information to re-set my thinking on food and also the encouragement to try new forms of exercise. I've lost weight and feel motivated to keep going, as well as finding a new found enjoyment of weight training, which I had always been intimidated by. Thoroughly recommend.
I have completed the 8 week programme with Orla. To sum it up it's been a life changing experience. I finally feel equipped with exactly what I need to be healthy and happy. Orla is so accommodating, knowledgeable and generally an awesome positive person! Everyone needs an Orla in their life!!! The 8 week programme teaches you how to eat well and control your eating, recognise the emotional side to eating and how to balance it all. As someone who has tried everything and every diet going this feels sustainable for the first time. Alongside PT sessions which challenge you but are totally bespoke to you and adaptable. I feel like a different person in such a short time mentally and physically - thank you Orla !!!
Orla is fantastic, and the results are there after 8 weeks I’m healthier, happier and more confident with myweight loss, fitness and nutrition - with the support of Orla she is so kind yet honest and always encourages me ! Can’t imagine doing this transformation without her by my side, she is so positive yet real - so if you are serious and committed to making change in your life she’s your lady - I’m a very happy client ! And with fitness nutrition and coaching this programme is a triple threat!
I initially signed up for Orla’s 8 week programme hoping to kick start my health and exercise.I’m 47yrs old and have done slimming world, keto , Atkinson’s low carb, you name it I’ve done it. Ive joined gyms, left gums had personal trainers, I’ve lost weight but gained it straight back.Orla has an amazing way of making you confront your bad habits and skewed thoughts about food with honesty and empathy. Guiding you to making better choices to reach your goal. She has genuinely changed the way I eat for the better without making me feel I am missing out or making dramatic sacrifices.I now train with her twice a week and love every session. She is always bringing some new and wonderful way to make me stronger and pushing me to get the most out of our sessions. Her focus on functional mobility and strength has transformed my self confidence, flexibility and overall health. Orla you’re a star.
Simply put, Orla, her knowledge and passion for her clients has changed my life. I am someone who had spent most there life on some form of diet, gyming etc. however after lockdown found myself in such a rut having gained a lot of weight and constantly yo-yoing, starting various fad diets and not getting the results. I started with Orla and all of that changed. I can honestly say for the first time in my life, I am loosing weight, gaining muscle and i'm not constantly hungry. What's unique about what Orla does is the combination of PT sessions and Nutrition & Life coaching sessions. The link between your mood, outlook and your food is so much more connected than I ever realised and Orla has helped me completely change my mindset not only in my approach to food but to life itself. I am currently working with Orla towards my wedding next year and so far have already lost nearly 1 stone. However this is a change and a lifestyle I will carry forward for the rest of my life. The care, the time, the dedication Orla has for each individual client is like no other and the things I have learned are amazing, as someone who thought they understood food, calories, fitness its amazed me how much Ive learned and now understand what a protein filled, healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle is. If you're reading this review wondering whether or not to give it a go, please just go and meet Orla, she will genuinely change your life & you won't look back.
Thank you Orla, for kick starting my mindset back into action.I chose Orla as my coach as it was obvious from speaking to her that she was passionate about personal training from her own personal experience.I wanted to learn more about the relationship between food and exercise and I feel that this has been extremely beneficial, although I still have much more to learn and put into practice myself.I also wanted to move out of my comfort zone in terms of exercise as I was stuck in a rut and wanted to try something different, like strength training. Orla, is fun to workout with, she understands everyone is different and by taking things at my pace at the start, she helped me build confidence to push myself further. She changes things up regularly so you don’t get bored. This is something that will help me attain the results I am aiming for.Physically- I have become stronger, and more focused. Orla has encouraged me along the way to commit to changing fundamental parts of my diet which were important for me, and Orla has helped me achieve that. Proud to say, I have lost 4.5 kilos and dropped one dress size.I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to others as I am confident that she will listen to their needs, and come up with the best possible training program to help them achieve their goals.
Myself and my husband signed up to Orla eight weeks ago as we were both in a rut, having lost the motivation to go to our gym and failed attempts to lose the weight we had gained mainly over the pandemic period. This was ultimately bothering us and making us miserable so l took a chance and contacted Orla in the hope she might help us find that incentive again.Eight weeks later l can honestly say the difference is incredible. The PTs are tough to start with but tailored to your fitness level and a real eye opener as to how unfit we were, still a way to go but we are absolutely loving it, as we are seeing the results, also being accountable makes such a difference and helps to keep you on track.The diet, nutrition and mindset coaching is a game changer for us and we now have an appreciation for the importance of protein for muscle strength and a renewed joy and positive approach to food.If you commit to Orla and stick to the plan we are proof that you will get results, l’ve lost 10lbs so farand my husband has lost 13lbs, but best of all we are much happier and feel more like ourselves again. We are excited to reaching our targets and now appreciating our physical health and well-being. l’m so glad l took a chance and called Orla, the difference in two months is extraordinary, her commitment to you and her enthusiasm and belief that you can succeed is wonderful she’s also a really really lovely inspirational lady, everyone needs an Orla in their lives.
Went with positive programmes to help lose weight. Orla has been a great coach helping me with my diet and exercise and helping reach my goals. I have definitely lost weight and am on the right track after coaching on what foods are best. Sessions are great and Orla is a great motivator especially when you feel you can’t do it! I would definitely recommend Orla especially if you are looking for a trainer too.
I joined Orla in January 2023. In the last 12 weeks I am delighted to say that I have lost weight. Orla’s positive programme really works; it’s all about adopting a positive mindset, eating the right foods in the right quantity, steps, and exercise. Her enthusiasm and positive attitude means sessions are interesting and fun - even the PT sessions! Orla really wants to help everyone achieve. If you need help to change your ways please do contact Orla; she is totally approachable and will make you feel welcome and at ease right from the moment you meet her..
Well on my way now, nearly lost my 1st stone! Had piled on the weight and lost my motivation. Been working with Orla for 8 weeks, using muscles I had forgotten about and seeing results in the way my clothes fit. With Orla's encouragement, signed up to the Saturday Park Run, which is definitely good for statima and of course getting steps in! Eating better and feeling much more bouncy. Learnt lessons from Orla that I can use for the rest of my life. After all, we only have one body to last us our whole lifetime, better take care of it.
My husband and I have recently completed the 8 week programme with Orla and it was fantastic! The focus is on exercise, healthy eating and mindset, so it really helps you to think about making changes for life, not just short term goals. We have both lost weight and feel fitter and healthier. We are continuing the PT sessions with Orla as she is so motivational and the classes are challenging but enjoyable. I can highly recommend Orla if you are struggling to make changes on your own as her positivity is inspiring.
I started Orla’s 8 week course back in October and have absolutely enjoyed it. Orla makes you feel totally confident and positive about accomplishing what you want to achieve. For me personally I lost 1 stone in the 8 weeks, it’s taught me to enjoy exercise and eat everything in moderation, but if you do go off track it’s not the end of the world. I have continued my training with Orla and I would highly recommend anyone to consider this course, it’s worth every penny if you have goals you want to achieve.
Orla has been a fantastic inspiration, sharing zillions of TikTok & Instagram video ideas, recipes and mindful food-for-thought to keep me on track. I have got into the habit of tracking my food most of the time and doing home work-outs most of the time! And even if I have off-days or even weeks she has taught me to pick myself back up and get back to it and not to beat myself up for momentarily falling off the wagon. I lost half a stone during the 8 week programme which I can honestly say is the first time I have lost that much for many years and it made me look and feel much more confident. Although I have exercised a lot over recent years I knew it was my food and alcohol intake that was stopping me from losing weight and it has got harder as I have got older. Orla has helped me to be more on the ball in terms of my food and alcohol consumption addressing why I am eating and drinking as well as looking at better options that increase protein and keep me full for longer. I recommend Orla wholeheartedly and enjoy seeing her, chatting about my goals, having hypnotherapy and doing the workouts together. It feels like you are hanging out and working out with a friend.
I started seeing Orla in September 2022 with the PT and nutrition consultation program. It has made a huge difference to my life and I’m happy to recommend Orla to anyone who would like to improve their physical and mental wellbeing and have lots of fun. I feel so much fitter and healthier than when I started and I also enjoy seeing Orla as she is an amazing woman who is full of energy and positivity.
Orla is a great coach. She was very patient and understanding and full of useful information regarding nutrition and diet. I just completed the 8 week programme and it certainly works great with the help and motivation from Orla.
Just coming to the end of our 8 week programme with my partner and enjoyed every minute. We had both gotten out of the habit of exercising and eating healthily and Orla got us back on track without it being uncomfortable or a chore. It’s amazing how some focus and guidance along with great exercise routines really does make a difference. I would thoroughly recommend Orla. Just give it a go - what have you got to lose!
My wife and I have recently finished having Orla as a trainer and coach and over a 15 month period the change has been miraculous!We've lost 4 and 5 stones but not only that, we have changed our mindset towards exercise and eating. We are so much fitter and believe we now have the tools to keep healthy and enjoy the rest of our livesWe couldn't have done this without Orla's guidance, we are so pleased we took the decision to sign up to the programme. It's not just about diet or exercise, it's the whole package!
I have just finished an 8 week programme with Orla and I am feeling healthier, fitter and happier. I was apprehensive before I started the programme but as soon as I met Orla I knew I had made the right decision. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions with Orla , the PT sessions were challenging but great fun. Orla is passionate about wanting to make a difference and she has certainly done that for me. I now feel much happier in myself and Orla has given me the motivation and inspiration to continue with my journey.If you want to make a positive change in your life then I would highly recommend starting that journey with Orla.
If you want to make a positive change to any aspect of your life, Orla is the person for you.What sets Orla apart from other personal trainers is her work on changing your mindset and approach to embed healthy ways of eating and exercising.Every PT session is fun, challenging and especially tailored. Orla pays such attention to detail, her holistic approach ensures success is within everyone's reach.She is motivational, inspirational and passionate about helping you become a healthier, happier version of yourself! A truly caring individual who knows her stuff. I can't recommend Orla enough.I've had a complete turn around in 8 weeks, feeling fitter, happier and more rested. Orla has been able to get me back from illness when all else had failed.If you're reading this and want to make a positive change, Orla is your gateway to getting there.

Jackie & Tony

Take a look at the dramatic turn around Jackie and Tony have made.

This is a fantastic example of what you can achieve through an improved diet designed to fuel and nourish your body alongside regular daily movement and workouts for exercise.

Jackie and Tony have not been hungry or doing exercise they don’t enjoy.

The whole point is to make you feel better now and forever.


Before and After

As you can see they still go out to restaurants whilst losing over 4 stone!!!

Jackie and Tony said..

My wife and myself signed up with Orla as one of her first clients and the results for us have been life changing. We have both lost over four stone but more importantly, we have also become fitter, more active and more flexible. We have lost weight before and put it all back on again over the months, but we both feel that this time is different and we now have the tools to help us keep on the right path. No one should pretend it’s easy but the physical training sessions push you to work harder than you would on your own and the coaching sessions give you motivation and tools to take away with you to help you through the tough times. Teaching us how to focus on protein intake and not just calories, and to use weekly not daily averages has meant we haven’t needed to feel hungry to lose weight and we can still have treats and eat out occasionally. And we still manage to have a laugh while we are doing it which is no bad thing.

Other testimonials

You said "Believe in Yourself !"

I am so excited about your new business and I speak from personal experience when I say: Orla you are a truly inspirational person – you made me believe that I could do things that I never in a million years thought I was capable of. You are so positive, relatable, honest and break down barriers that we (and other people) put up that stop us even trying to reach our goals. You gave me the confidence to enter a marathon (I’ve since gone on to run 10 marathons) and complete a half iron man (even though I thought I was a terrible swimmer). I am so proud of myself – I was rubbish at sport at school but at the age of 47 I ran a sub 3 hrs 30 mins marathon! A chance meeting with Orla and her family on holiday was the catalyst to take me to such exciting places – I think you saw the spark in me and just encouraged me to ‘go for it’. She is one of those people that’s by your side for the journey, understands the challenges you face, but wills you to succeed. Thank you Orla for setting me on a new and great path all those years ago – I hope you inspire lots of other people just like you inspired me!!! Best of luck with your venture! I am very proud of you.

Emma Dooley X

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