16 Overslade Road

Solihull B91 3NA

07827 814390

Call or WhatsApp

Mon - Sun: 08:00 - 20:00


My Packages

Can Change Your Life

Pricing & Packages

I offer a variety of programmes based on your preference which can be personal training, coaching and hypnotherapy or whichever combination you feel most comfortable with. For eg you may want to start with hypnotherapy or coaching with a view to pick up personal training a little further down the line once you have made some positive changes. I’m completely flexible and happy to put together a bespoke package for you if any of the listed packages below do not quite suit you, please get in touch with me to discuss your options.

Weightloss & Wellness Services

Exercise & Daily Movement

A good level of daily movement and regular workouts will improve your mood, cardiovascular health, help you lose weight, make you stronger and critically more equipped to deal with life on many levels.
That positive spring in your step you felt you lost somewhere along the way will bound back into your life.

Nutrition Coaching

I will coach you to look, feel and perform at your best, improving your health, body composition and relationship with food.

Mindset Coaching

Lets start with identifying your goals and importantly your reasons why, and why now. It’s important that we really get to the root of this and understand what is important in life to you and your values and make sure they are aligned to your goals.


In hypnosis we quieten the busy, conscious mind giving access to the subconscious through deep relaxation. At this point your subconscious mind is incredibly receptive and open to positive suggestion, so I simply implant the behaviours you want or take away the ones you don’t.

Pricing Plans

weightloss and WELLNESS

Personal Training Tuition

Four 55 min sessions £140 - £35 a session

Nutrition and mindset coaching

Four 55 min sessions £140 -£35 a session


Four sessions £199 -
£50 a session