16 Overslade Road
Solihull B91 3NA
07827 814390
Call or WhatsApp
Mon - Sun: 08:00 - 20:00
Solihull B91 3NA
Call or WhatsApp
No need to worry if you haven’t done it before – neither had I until a few years ago. It’s not difficult, we will start off slow and you will be amazed at how quickly you can improve. There is actually a beginners sweet spot where you can very effectively lose body fat through calorie deficit whilst simultaneously growing muscle mass, so big changes can happen quite quickly. Please do not worry, you will not bulk up or get big – this is very difficult for ladies. Your sessions with me will be 50 minutes long. They will be challenging, good fun and productive. I will want you to workout at home , but this can be as little as two half hour sessions a week, and i wont make you do burpees!!!
16 Overslade Road
Solihull B91 3NA