16 Overslade Road
Solihull B91 3NA
07827 814390
Call or WhatsApp
Mon - Sun: 08:00 - 20:00
Solihull B91 3NA
Call or WhatsApp
So how does it work –
It’s quite simple really, your subconscious/unconscious mind is your autopilot and runs the programs constantly in the background which we have unknowingly installed over and over.
It is nothing to be concerned about, you are always in control and can bring yourself out of hypnosis at any point if you choose. I’ve never had anybody do this as it is an incredibly pleasant experience. It’s time for you, when you don’t have to worry or concern yourself with anything at all apart from your own wellbeing.
A typical session for weight loss would start with a thorough conversation to establish what it is you want to be different when you walk out of the room.
16 Overslade Road
Solihull B91 3NA